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Tales To Astonish vol 1

41 (1963/3)

Ant-Man - Prisoner Of The Slave World !

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Larry Lieber (SCRIPT), Don Heck (DRAW), Don Heck (INKS)

[2016/6] Marvel Gold: Hombre Hormiga: ¡Hombre en Hormiguero! 1 ("¡Prisionero del mundo esclavo!")
[2002/3] Essential Ant-Man 1 (Ant-Man - Prisoner Of The Slave World !)

When The Beast Walks

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Larry Lieber (SCRIPT), Joe Sinnott (DRAW), Joe Sinnott (INKS)

The Curse

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)