Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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Adventures Into Terror

19 (1953/5)

The withered hand

Paul Reinman (DRAW), Paul Reinman (INKS)

[1972/12] Journey Into Mystery vol 2 2 (The girl who couldn't die)
[1974/6] Monsters Unleashed vol 1 6 (The strange children!)
[1974/6] Monsters Unleashed vol 1 6 (The maggots!)

The maggots!

Paul S. Newman (SCRIPT), Hy Rosen (DRAW), Hy Rosen (INKS)

Meet the bride

Matt Fox (INKS)

The strange children!

Sam Kweskin (DRAW), Sam Kweskin (INKS)

[1974/10] Escalofrío 19 (Los extraños niños)

The girl who couldn't die

Mort Lawrence (DRAW), Mort Lawrence (INKS)