Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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16 (1992/1)

Ock around the Christmas tree

Scott Lobdell (SCRIPT), Marie Severin (DRAW), Marie Severin (INKS)

The Grinch who swiped Chanuka

Sholly Fisch (SCRIPT), Rurik Tyler (DRAW), Rurik Tyler (INKS)

Somenone to watch over me

Barry Dutter (SCRIPT), Keith Wilson (DRAW), Keith Wilson (INKS)

...Are you man enough to enter the house of misery?

Aaron Lopresti (SCRIPT), Aaron Lopresti (DRAW), Aaron Lopresti (INKS)

What the --?! Marble: Superheroes got for X-Mas

Darren Auck (SCRIPT), Darren Auck (DRAW), Darren Auck (INKS)

Monsterous Marble Mirth

Darren Auck (SCRIPT), Darren Auck (DRAW), Darren Auck (INKS)