Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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60 (1957/4)

The House of Fear!

John Forte (DRAW), John Forte (INKS), Carl Wessler (SCRIPT)

Monster in the Mist!

Al Williamson (DRAW), Ralph Mayo (INKS)

[1975/2] Escalofrío 26 (El monstruo en la niebla)

The Trap!

Tony DiPreta (DRAW), Tony DiPreta (INKS)

Secret of the Golden Idol

Carl Wessler (SCRIPT), Syd Shores (DRAW), Syd Shores (INKS)

Trapped by the Little Men!

Pete Morisi (DRAW), Pete Morisi (INKS)

When He Presses the Button!

Ed Winiarski (DRAW), Ed Winiarski (INKS)