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100% Marvel HC. La Resurrección de Fénix

1 (2018/5)

Frustra al Sol

[2018/2] Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey 1 (Phoenix Resurrection (1/5): Frustrate the sun)

Todas las aves inferiores

[2018/3] Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey 2 (Phoenix Resurrection (2/5): All lesser birds)

Una constelación de todas

[2018/3] Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey 3 (Phoenix Resurrection (3/5): A constellation of them all)

Una gran princesa cae, pero no muere

[2018/3] Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey 4 (Phoenix Resurrection (4/5): That a great princess falls, but doth not die.)

Sé quien pone fin

[2018/3] Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey 5 (Phoenix Resurrection (5/5): Be thou those ends)