Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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Amazing Adult Fantasy

9 (1962/2)

The Terror Of Tim Boo Ba

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)

[2016/8] Marvel Limited Edition: Amazing Fantasy 1 (El terror de Tim Boo Ba)
[1974/4] Journey Into Mystery vol 2 10 (The terror of Tim Boo Ba)
[1974/8] Journey Into Mystery vol 2 12 (The genie lives)

The Man Who Captured Death

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)

[1976/2] WereWolf vol 2 13 (El hombre que capturó a la muerte)
[2016/8] Marvel Limited Edition: Amazing Fantasy 1 (¡El hombre que capturó a la Muerte!)

I Come From The Black Void

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)

[2016/8] Marvel Limited Edition: Amazing Fantasy 1 (Vengo del vacío negro)

The Spirit Of Swami River

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)

[2016/8] Marvel Limited Edition: Amazing Fantasy 1 (El espíritu de Swami River)

The Genie Lives

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)

[2016/8] Marvel Limited Edition: Amazing Fantasy 1 (El Genio vive)