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Bizarre Adventures

33 (1982/12)

Tales Of The Zombie - Damballah's Deeds

Doug Moench (SCRIPT), Dave Simons (DRAW), Dave Simons (INKS)

Vault Of Evil - Slayride !

Bruce Jones (SCRIPT), Bob Hall (DRAW), Bob Hall (INKS)

Haunt Of Horror - The Survivor

John Marc De Matteis (SCRIPT), Geof Isherwood (DRAW), Ian Akin (INKS), Brian Garvey (INKS)

Tomb Of Dracula - The Blood Bequest

Steve Perry (SCRIPT), Steve Bissette (DRAW), Steve Bissette (INKS)

Bucky Bizarre

Steve Skeates (SCRIPT), Steve Smallwood (DRAW), Steve Smallwood (INKS)